백세현역Nevertiree732 자신감 2013. 8. 18. 일자리가 절박한 상황을 틈탄 나쁜 상혼이 성행 중입니다. 2013. 8. 15. Retire In Costa Rica on Social Security Retire In Costa Rica on Social Security from Andy Browne on Vimeo. Highlights of a four day, intensive retirement tour of Costa Rica's Central Valley with tour guide and Costa Rica expert, George Lundquist 2013. 8. 13. Independence - RiverWoods Retirement Community - Exeter, NH - New England's Premier CCRC Independence - RiverWoods Retirement Community - Exeter, NH - New England's Premier CCRC from RiverWoods Retirement Community on Vimeo. At RiverWoods Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC), you can continue to live your active independent life the way you choose, knowing your future health care needs will be met and free from the burdens of traditional home ownership. RiverWoods residents l.. 2013. 8. 12. Parkway Tour July 8 Parkway Tour July 8 from The Parkway Retirement Community on Vimeo. 2013. 8. 10. Overview of Disability Retirement Overview of Disability Retirement from Maryland State Retirement Agency on Vimeo. This webinar is designed to give you a general understanding of disability benefits. If after watching this webinar you feel you need to file for disability, please also view our webinar on Filing for Disability Retirement which provides more detail about how to apply for disability. 2013. 8. 9. 이것만 지켜도 은퇴는 두렵지 않아요! - 손칼 이것만 지켜도 은퇴는 두렵지 않아요!2012년 4월 20일 오전 10:552012-04-20 내 카페 칼럼에 올린 글입니다.베이비부머가 어쩌고저쩌고 혹은 50~60대가 늘어나는 빚으로 허덕이고, 신규 자영업자의 연령대가 50,60대라는 등 보도매체가 경쟁적으로 호들갑을 떨고 있다. 게다가 은퇴 준비는 이렇게 하면서 먹고 사는 인간들도 많은 실정이다. 아침방송에 나와서 이렇게 투자하라고 특정 회사 군을 위하여 북을 치는 이들도 있다.내가 위의 계층들을 비난 한 것 같은데, 실제의 죄는 본인에게 있는 것이다. 왜냐 하면 팔랑 귀가 된 것은 자기의 선택이였기 때문이다. 남들이 한다고 따라서 한들 쉽게 얻어 지는 것이 아니다, 설령 그렇게 얻은 것은 팔랑 귀로 다 잃게 되는 경우가 허다하기에 유념해야 한다.이렇.. 2013. 8. 9. Filing for Disability Retirement Filing for Disability Retirement from Maryland State Retirement Agency on Vimeo. This webinar is designed to assist members who are filing for disability retirement. The Maryland State Retirement Agency will explain the process for filing for disability retirement including the necessary forms, the steps in the claim process and what members can expect during the process. This webinar was design.. 2013. 8. 8. Reemployment After Retirement Reemployment After Retirement from Maryland State Retirement Agency on Vimeo. 2013. 8. 7. Britain's Longest-serving Blacksmith Britain's Longest-serving Blacksmith from David Hedges on Vimeo. Britain's longest-serving blacksmith is still forging iron in his workshop - at the age of 84. Hardy Fred Harriss, 84, first picked up a hammer and tong aged ten in 1938 and is still working every day 74 years later. He has worked back-breaking 12 hour days fixing steam engines and aircraft, as well as making railings and ornamenta.. 2013. 8. 6. [추천] 자기소개서 -Visual Resume Hello I'm Taylor! [#VISUALRESUME] - @taylork_o from Empowered Presentations, Presentation Design Firm - Honolulu, HI 2013. 8. 6. The City Exposed: Typecaster for life The City Exposed: Typecaster for life from San Francisco Chronicle on Vimeo. A recent Thursday at 10:23 a.m.: In the basement of Arion Press, ?where they still print books the old-fashioned way, Lewis Mitchell slid open a box of parts used to change the font size on the Monotype ?casting machines he has maintained for 62 years. “I thoroughly enjoy the sound of the machines turning, and seeing th.. 2013. 8. 5. Jarlette - Retirement Lodge Jarlette - Retirement Lodge from Trevor H on Vimeo. 2013. 8. 4. Semi-Retirement: Getting a second-act career 2013. 8. 3. Herriott Grace Herriott Grace from Supplemental on Vimeo. What happens when you have the chance to turn your passion into your second career? We follow Nikole Herriott as she visits her father Lance on his first day of retirement. He has said goodbye to his ship welder past to focus his considerable talents on his lifelong passion: wood. http://vimeo.com/39851788 2013. 8. 3. Retirement Retirement from Emiliano Zapata on Vimeo. 2013. 7. 28. Hal Lasko, The Pixel Painter The Pixel Painter from The Pixel Painter on Vimeo. Hal Lasko, better known as Grandpa, worked as a graphic artist back when everything was done by hand. His family introduced him to the computer and Microsoft Paint long after he retired.Now, Grandpa spends ten hours a day moving pixels around his computer paintings. His work is a blend of pointillism and 8-Bit art.Meet 97-year-old Hal Lasko, The.. 2013. 7. 28. Ageing in the 21st Century 2013. 7. 24. 45 Life Lessons, written by a 90 year old - Today is Special 1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.3. Life is too short not to enjoy it.4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will.5. Don’t buy stuff you don’t need.6. You don’t have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He.. 2013. 7. 7. The Cost of Aging Today 미국인 중 매일 65세 노인이 되는 인구는 8천명이다. (이 수치는 1만명에서부터 6천명까지 또는 그보다 더 다양한 자료가 있다) 2050년까지 미구에는 1천9백만명이 85세를 넘길 것으로 미국인구통계국은 밝히고 있다. 인구의 고령화가 문제는 아니다. 이들에게는 비용이 수반된다. 그것이 문제의 본질이다. 2013. 7. 3. Enjoy An Active Lifestyle 빈티지 공원 요양원에서 활동적인 삶을 사세요 미국에는 약 90만개의 요양원이 있고 이중에 74%는 여성, 26%는 남성이 거주하고 있는 것으로 알려지고 있다. 2009년 통계에 따르면 요양원에 사시는 어르신의 평균 연령은 86.9세이고 이중 65세 미만도 11%에 해당하는 것으로 나타났다. (이 자료는 빈티지 공원 요양원에서 만들어 배포한 것으로 보인다.) http://vintageparkassistedliving.com/ Many seniors have medication that must be taken daily. But keeping track of this medication can be difficult! Medication management is one of the many helpful .. 2013. 7. 2. 이전 1 ··· 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ··· 35 다음