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네살 때 맺어진 짝이 91세까지 변함없는 모습으로 Couple Who Posed as Bride & Groom at Age 4 Still Going Strong at 91 http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/1UHLQo/www.people.com/people/article/0,,20709191,00.html/ Ninety-one years after meeting, they're still in love. Ron and Eileen Everest never knew a world without each other. They were born in the same hospital – he in 1921, she in 1922 – and were friends practically from birth. As 4-year-olds, they.. 2013. 6. 29.
Virginia - Knitter, Flower Arranger, Cake Baker ="" I think my creative interest comes from the fact my mum was a needle worker and home economics teacher, so there were always projects at home. One my earliest memories was my mum mixing up flower and water paste.My aunt taught me to knit at the age of 8, and I have been knitting ever since, for 43 years. I used to knit at school under my desk because I could do it without looking. My knittin.. 2013. 6. 28.
What the HEALTH? Understanding Obama’s 11 Year Plan for Health Reform 이대로 간다면 매일 1만4천 명이 넘는 미국인이 건강보험 자격을 상실한다고 하는데, 우리네 의료보험은 문제없이 잘 운영되고 있겠지? This health reform infographic breaks down the Affordable Care Act in an effort to explain how it will affect each and every citizen, from small businesses to large ones, college students to parents, and senior citizens to the young! It’s important that you know about the Affordable Care Act and understand that if we had m.. 2013. 6. 28.
The Rise of Cyber Seniors 증가하는 사이버 시니어들. 최근 5년간 시니어의 인터넷 사용은 급격하게 증가하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 65세 이상 시니어의 53%가 인터넷을 사용하고 있다는 것이다. 이는 그들이 지난 1948년 이전에 태어났다는 것이고, 그때는 투르먼 대통령이 집권하던 시절이었고, 당시에는 TV도 없었던 시절이었다. 그런데 그들이 인터넷에 접속해서 새로운 세상과 만나고 있는 사실이다. The Rise of Cyber Seniors – Infographic Did you know that senior internet usage is on the rise? In fact, over 53% of seniors ages 65 and over use the internet. That means that those seniors.. 2013. 6. 26.
The Numbers on Memory Loss: Types of DEMENTIA 50세 이상에게 치매 증가나 나타나고 있으며, 지구상 3천5백60만명이 치매를 앓고 있는 것으로 추정하고 있다. 미국에 65세 이상 시니어 중 13% 이상이 알츠하이머를 앓고 있는 것으로 나타났고, 미국 베이비부머 중 1천만 명명이 알츠하이머 증세를 보이고 있는 것으로 예상하고 있다. 참으로 끔찍한 일이다. 2013. 6. 25.
Senior Malnutrition, 미국 시니어의 3백7십만 명이 영양실조! 미국 어르신의 영양실조 3백7십만명. 미국 어르신 중 1/4이 부실한 영양공급으로 인해서 영양실조라는 심각한 건강문제가 부각되고 있답니다. 그 문제를 한 번 짚고 넘어갔으면 합니다. 왜냐하면 미국의 문제 뿐만 아니라 한국의 문제이기도 하기 때문이지요. 우리나라 어르신은 '영양실조'에 대해서 안전한가요? 2013. 6. 22.
Senior Living for Comfort and Convenience Emily Henderson's Expert Design - Senior Living for Comfort and Convenience 에밀리 핸더슨이라는 여류 디자이너는 시니어의 생활 소품이 디자인을 안락하고 편리한 것에 중점을 두고 디자인을 했습니다. 그 열가지 비법을 한 번 생각해 볼 필요가 있지 않을까 합니다. 에밀리 핸더슨의 인터넷 사이트에서 실제 상품 안내서도 볼 수 있습니다. http://www.sunriseseniorliving.com/designguide/ 2013. 6. 20.
Will you be ready to Retire? According to a recent GallUp Economy survey, a lack of retirement savings is the top financial worry for Americans. This fear is further exacerbated by the rising, retirement-age expectancies amongst American elders. The Bureau of Labor statistics reveal that almost a third of Americans between 65 and 70 years of age are still working! Let’s take a look at some additional, retirement-related sta.. 2013. 6. 6.
The Act of Aging Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It is a vastly complicated network of cells that essentially protect your sensitive body from the world around you. This defense takes its toll, and everyone’s skin eventually starts to age...here's why. 2013. 6. 5.
The Game of Life Settlements: Is a Life Settlement for You? Today, seniors seek life settlements as an option for unwanted life insurance more than ever. In fact, the total face value of life settlements expected in 2012 tops $3.8 billion. Settlements are permeating younger generations of Americans too, as more than one in four baby boomers (29 percent) would consider selling a life insurance policy to fund their retirement. Should you consider a life se.. 2013. 6. 4.
Future of Work in Financial Services Statistics from recent trends in financial services and best practices for various fields including commercial banking, retail banking, operations, insurance and retirement. 2013. 6. 3.
Sun America Retirement Re-Set Study This infographic provides information the different types of retirees. It gives advice to retirees on how to financially and emotionally prepare themselves for this time in their lives. 2013. 6. 2.
Boomer Widows are Financially at Risk A friend shared a great article with us yesterday via Reuters.com called, ”Why Boomer Widows are Financially at Risk.” In the article, reporter Chris Taylor writes about a growing group he likes to call, “Boomer Widows,” women born during the Post WWII Baby Boom who have outlived their husbands and are now left to tackle financial matters alone. The article encompassed our mission to a T (be pre.. 2013. 6. 1.
The Generous Baby Booker One group that has come under serious financial hardship is the Baby Boomers. In 2010, 35% of those over 65 in the United States relied almost entirely on Social Security funds alone. With nearly 10,000 Baby Boomers entering retirement every day as of January 1st, 2011, the question must be asked: Where is Baby Boomers' money going? 2013. 5. 31.
Holiday Spending 2012 Millionaire Corner surveys investors to obtain insights into their financial needs and preferences. Research is conducted in partnership with Spectrem Group, the premier market research and consulting firm in the wealth and retirement industries. This infographic shows projected spending trends among affluent Americans during the holiday season. 2013. 5. 30.
Top 10 Retirement States Warm climates are great, but they're not the only priority. Find what attracts seniors to 10 popular retirement destinations. 2013. 5. 29.
Life is Expensive, Be Prepared Kapitall Presents: A guide to navigating life's financial challenges. 2013. 5. 28.
New Year's Resolutions 2013 Millionaire Corner surveys investors to obtain insights into their financial needs and preferences. Research is conducted in partnership with Spectrem Group, the premier market research and consulting firm in the wealth and retirement industries. This infographic displays investor attitudes and behavior about making New Year's resolutions. 2013. 5. 27.
America’s Frightening Retirement Facts Most Americans are not planning for retirement; in fact many have yet to put any money towards retiring but first you need to know the staggering facts and learn how you can save for the Golden Years. 2013. 5. 26.
Long-Term Care Insurance Plan for your future with long-term care insurance. Learn more with this infographic from Enhance Insurance. 2013. 5. 25.
How Millennials Are Changing Everything: grocery shopping Millennials are poised to transform the grocery channel - quickly entering the prime spending ages (25+) while Baby Boomers are entering the decreased spending retirement ages (65+). They’re forging their own food path - from their shopping attitude, use of technology, cooking behavior to their feelings about name brands. 2013. 5. 24.