Tang Wei: Lust, Caution, Past, and Future
September 28,2007 | Change Text Size A A A |
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Tang shows up at Lust, Caution's premiere ceremony held in Venice on August 31. [sina.com.cn] |
European film critics also highly praised Tang saying "she was stunning both as acting a shy young lady and a sexy professional spy." They said she was undoubtedly the most important discovery in the film.
Her Past
Born in 1979 in Zhejiang Province, Tang graduated from the directing department of the Central Academy of Drama. She showed her talents in art at an early age, possibly inherited from her parents. Her mother is a famous local actress and her father is a painter.
At school, Tang was interested in reading, sports and music. Her good acting skills were also well-known. In 2001, she played the female lead in the theater drama A Dream Like A Dream directed by Taiwan's most influential artist Lai Shengchuan and was admired by the director. Her performance in the TV movie, Policewoman Yanzi, she won CCTV Movie Channel's Lily Award for best female role.
Her Story with Lust, Caution
In June 2006, Ang Lee started selecting actresses for his new film Lust, Caution. A-list Taiwan stars Hsu Xi-yuan and Hsu Chi and Chinese mainland stars Zhou Xun and Liu Yifei were all candidates for the leading role Wang Jiazhi, a pure but typical modern Shanghai girl. But Lee chose 27-year-old Tang for further consideration after open auditions.
Tang was asked to receive a strict training before the film began shooting. For about ten hours a day, she had to learn to speak the Shanghai dialect, practice wearing attractive cheongsams and learn to sing Suzhou Pingtan, a traditional style of artistic storytelling with musical accompaniment. One month later, the director was satisfied with her progress and decided to cast her as Wang Jiazhi. Tang said, "I had to walk in a cheongsam with a book on my head every day to get used to wearing it. But I am happy that this works."
During the 118 days' shooting of the film, Tang had scenes for 114 days and Ang Lee was very strict with her. Once she tried 36 times for a shot. But she finally overcame the difficulties. "During the eight months, I thought I was Wang Jiazhi. I felt encouraged when the director said to the press that Tang made Wang alive."
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The post of Lust, Caution |
Her Future
On August 31, Tang showed up at Lust, Caution's premiere ceremony held in Venice. Her acting in the film won the acclaim of the Italian media and audience. She was even regarded as a powerful nominee for the best actress award at the Venice Film Festival.
Tang remained confident and calm about whether she won the award or not. She says that she gained all she wanted to in the film so she didn't need anything else. "The audience's applause at the premiere is the best reward for me. It is the first time in my life [that I've been given such an opportunity]. I'm very happy."
It is not early for an actress to become famous at the age of 28. Tang believes that playing Wang Jiazhi in Lust, Caution was an unforgettable experience and gave her a new start for her career. She has no regrets about starting this new career in her late 20's as she believes the role matched her perfectly.
(Source: Shenyang Daily / Translated by Women of China)
실화 바탕 영화 ‘색계’ 개봉 떠들썩한 중국 | ||||||
입력: 2007년 11월 09일 14:47:28 | ||||||
중국판 마타하리… 男도 女도 비극적 삶
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당시 국민당 조사통계실의 가장 큰 골칫거리는 친일파 왕정웨이(汪精衛) 괴뢰정권이 상하이에 비밀리에 만든 정보기관인 이른바 ‘76호’였다. ‘76호’의 최고 책임자인 딩모춘(丁默邨·1901~1947)의 맹활약으로 조사통계실의 상하이 조직이 뿌리가 뽑힐 정도였기 때문이다. 딩모춘은 영화 남자 주인공(홍콩 배우 량차오웨이가 맡은 역) ‘이선생’의 실제 모델이다. 얼굴이 ‘쥐상’인 딩모춘은 독특한 이력의 소유자였다. 원래 중국 공산당에 입당했다가 변절해 국민당 조사통계실을 거쳐 다시 왕정웨이 괴뢰정권으로 일터를 옮겼다. 적을 알고 나를 알면 백전백승임을 증명하듯 딩모춘은 국민당과 공산당 지하공작을 훤히 꿰뚫고 있었다. 그는 ‘도살자’라는 별명과 함께 ‘색정광’이라는 이름이 붙었을 정도로 여성 편력에는 일가견이 있었다. 국민당 조사통계실은 정핑루에게 76호 총책인 딩모춘에게 접근하도록 지령을 내렸다.
같은 해 12월21일, 정핑루는 딩모춘과 저녁 식사를 함께 한 뒤 헤어지는 길에 성탄절 선물로 시베리아 모피 전문점에 가서 코트를 한 벌 사달라고 졸랐다. 딩모춘은 흔쾌히 사주겠다고 했으나 가게로 들어서자마자 갑자기 다른 문으로 뛰쳐 나갔다. 거동이 수상한 사람들이 뒤따라 들어오자 위기를 직감했던 것이다. 정핑루는 거사가 실패로 끝난 뒤 딩모춘에게 전화를 걸어 “사정을 잘 몰랐다”고 변명했다. 둘은 성탄절 전야를 함께 보내기로 약속했다. 정핑루가 들뜬 마음에 약속 장소인 나이트 클럽에서 기다리고 있는 사이 그를 찾아온 것은 딩모춘이 아니라, 76호 행동대원들이었다. 이들은 그녀를 차에 태워 연행했다. 정핑루는 이듬해인 1940년 2월 중순, 상하이 교외의 황량한 벌판에서 총살을 당했다. 그녀 나이 22세였다. 딩모춘의 일생도 비극으로 끝났다. 2차 세계대전이 끝난 뒤 딩모춘은 일본 부역자로 체포돼 재판을 받았다. 47년 7월 난징 교도소에서 총살형을 당했다. 그의 나이 46세였다. 〈베이징|홍인표특파원〉 |
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