백세현역Nevertiree732 How to Start a Startup in College How to Start a Startup in College 2014. 11. 25. Copyright vs 'Illegal download' Copyright vs 'Illegal download' 2014. 11. 24. Hearing Loss Hearing Loss 2014. 11. 23. Health of the Boomer Generation Health of the Boomer Generation 2014. 11. 22. Fund FaceOff - Super ETF Mutual Fund Man Fund FaceOff - Super ETF Mutual Fund Man 2014. 11. 21. Financial Literacy 2012 Financial Literacy 2012 2014. 11. 20. Fashion Guides for MEN Fashion Guides for MEN 2014. 11. 19. Dining Etiquette Around the World Dining Etiquette Around the World 2014. 11. 18. Baby Boomers and Seniors in the Digital Era Baby Boomers and Seniors in the Digital Era 2014. 11. 17. Hey Baby Boomers, are you ready for retirement? Hey Baby Boomers, are you ready for retirement? 2014. 11. 16. 동북아인 우울유전자비율 70~80% 우리는 더 열심히 커뮤니케이션 해야한다. 2014. 11. 15. New Technologies Revolutionizing Health and Fittness 2014. 11. 14. 5 Ways to Cultivate Your Retirement Savings 5 Ways to Cultivate Your Retirement Savings Online Trading Academy 2014. 11. 12. The Crisis in Pensions and Retirement Plans A brief history of retirement in the U.S. FACTS and STATs: State and Local Government Pensions: Social Security Put it in perspective: Countries with strongest pension programs (based on 2013 pensions, both public and private)… U.S. is #11. Can we learn anything from Australia? - See more at: http://visual.ly/crisis-pensions-and-retirement-plans#sthash.MRxhfY9L.dpuf 2014. 11. 11. Our Aging Population Our technologies have not only made life more convenient for us, they have also increased life expectancy in our population. These days people live longer lives, which means the average age in our population is rising. While the U.S. population is expected to grow by 42% from 2020 to 2050, the 85+ population will rise by as much as 328% - See more at: http://visual.ly/our-aging-population#sthash.. 2014. 11. 10. Immigrants Population In Various Popular Countries On The Globe The infographic depicts the immigrants population of few supreme countries on the globe. Saudi Arabia is the home to large number of immigrants. And nearly 7.2 million immigrants live in Saud Arabia that is about 27.8% of its total population.- See more at: http://visual.ly/immigrants-population-various-popular-countries-globe#sthash.OgFem7Yl.dpuf 2014. 11. 9. Change in Housing prices, Seoul metropolitan area 2014. 11. 8. The Global Population in 2100 The Global Population in 2100 New data released in 2013 by the United Nations predicts a global population of more than 10.8 billion by 2100 - 800 million higher than the U.N.'s 2010 estimate. Population growth is expected to be unevenly distributed across the planet, and the rural to urban migration will explode. Of course population isn’t the only factor contributing to humans’ planetary impac.. 2014. 11. 7. 돈은 정말 좋은데, 돈번 인간은 정말 싫어 행복은 돈과 관계있어 92%. 물질집착 한국이 10개국 1위 - 2011.1.7 조선일보 보도자료 "행복은 돈과 관계 있어" 92%… 물질 집착, 한국이 10개국 1위"부자는 나쁜짓 해서 된 것" 57%… 부자 이미지, 10개국 중 최악"남을 이기는 것이 행복의 길… 끊임없는 물질적 비교로 행복과 오히려 멀어져"▶한국인은 돈이 있어야 행복하다고 믿는다. 그러나 부자를 좋아하느냐고 물으면 삐딱하게 대답한다. "부모 덕 봤겠지 뭐. 부정부패로 치부했거나." ▶한국의 젊은이들은 집 살 돈이 부족해서 고민이다. 그런데 집 가진 40·50대(부모)는 집값이 떨어질까 봐 전전긍긍이다. ▶돈이 행복을 가져다준다 믿으면서도 '한해 얼마나 벌면 행복할 것 같은가'라는 질문엔 세계에서 가장 낮은 금액('3400만~6900.. 2014. 11. 6. Baby Boomers: Making Their Own Rules As young adults, Baby Boomers changed the face of college campuses. Later, they helped bring American workplaces into the era of high technology and casual dress codes. Today, the generation is changing what it means to retire. 2014. 11. 5. The Financial Ratios The financial ratios are tool used by creditors, investors, stakeholders and management of a company to assess the past, present and future situations of an organization by making use of different financial figures and data through a company’s financial statements. The financial ratio helps to depict a clear picture of financial standing of any organization as the result it gives are compared wi.. 2014. 11. 4. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ··· 35 다음