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Ikigai: You Know The Glory Not the Stoty You Know The Glory, Not The Story!: 25 Journeys Towards Ikigai The Japanese word, Ikigai means ‘reason for being’. Think of what you love, what you are good at, what you can be paid for, and what the world needs. When these come together, you get your Ikigai. However, Ikigai can be beyond these four components and doesn’t have to include any or all of them. The moments each day where you live fu.. 2023. 6. 11.
Senbazuru Senbazuru: One Thousand Steps to Happiness, Fold by Fold Fold your way to happiness through the inspiring philosophy of Senbazuru—the tradition of folding one thousand paper cranes—with a leading voice in the global mindfulness movement as your guide. In Japan, the paper crane is a symbol of peace, hope, and healing. It is considered the “bird of happiness,” a mystical and majestic creature that.. 2023. 6. 11.
Ganbatte!: The Japanese Art of Always Moving Forward Ganbatte (gan-ba-tay) is a Japanese philosophy focused on doing the best you can with what you have. Though there is no direct translation, “keep going,” and “give it your all,” embody the sentiments behind the word. Just as wabi sabi shows the beauty of imperfection in life, ganbatte teaches you how to get past obstacles and be motivated to keep moving forward. In Ganbatte! author Albert Lieber.. 2023. 6. 11.
The Good Enough Job: Reclaiming Life from Work A challenge to the tyranny of work and a call to reclaim our lives from its clutches. From the moment we ask children what they want to “be” when they grow up, we exalt the dream job as if it were life’s ultimate objective. Many entangle their identities with their jobs, with predictable damage to happiness, wellbeing, and even professional success. In The Good Enough Job, journalist Simone Stol.. 2023. 6. 10.
Wabi Sabi – Nobuo Suzuki Wabi Sabi: The Wisdom in Imperfection Be the best imperfect person you can be! Wabi Sabi is the Japanese Zen philosophy that all things are imperfect, unfinished and impermanent. It is a fresh way of seeing and moving through the world when our lives, literally and figuratively, feel cluttered. This book shows us how to apply this concept in the context of daily life and offers ideas on how to s.. 2023. 6. 10.
Art of Japanese Living The Art of Japanese Living: How to Bring Mindfulness, Joy and Simplicity Into Your Life Learn the Japanese secrets to finding calm, contentment and happiness With its roots in Buddhist thinking, Japanese culture is known for its sincere and mindful approach to life. From ikigai (finding your purpose) to ikebana (the art of flower arranging), Japanese ways offer the wider world the promise of pea.. 2023. 6. 10.
'대통령 거부권' 재의요구 법적 절차 윤석열 대통령이 2023년 5월 16일 간호법 제정안에 대해 법률안 거부권(재의요구권)을 행사했다. 윤 대통령은 앞서 지난 2023년 4월 4일 초과 생산된 쌀을 정부가 의무 매입하도록 하는 양곡관리법 개정안에 대해 첫 거부권을 행사한 바 있다. 2023. 5. 16.
KF-21 국산 초음속 전투기 '보라매' 개발일지 2023. 5. 16.
누리호 3차 발사 탑재 위성 우리 독자 기술로 개발한 한국형 발사체 누리호(KSLV-Ⅱ)가 2023년 5월 24일 3차 발사를 시도한다. 2023. 5. 15.
현충원 참배 역대 일본 총리 2023. 5. 15.
한국전력·한국가스공사 자구안 주요 내용 한국전력공사[015760]와 한국가스공사[036460]는 2023년 5월 12일 임직원들의 올해 임금 인상분을 반납한다는 내용을 담은 자구안을 각각 발표했다. 2023. 5. 15.
남성, 소득 수준별 혼인비율 2023년 5월 14일 한국노동연구원이 발표한 '노동과 출산 의향의 동태적 분석' 보고서에 따르면 남성의 소득 불평등이 혼인율 감소·저출산으로 이어질 수 있다는 분석이 나왔다. 2023. 5. 15.
지진, 진도별 지진강도 2023년 5월 15일 오전 6시 27분께 강원 동해시 북동쪽 52㎞ 해역에서 규모 4.5 지진이 발생했다. 흔들림이 어느 정도였는지 나타내는 계기진도는 강원과 경북에서 3이고 충북에서 2로 추산됐다. 강원·경북에선 '실내, 특히 건물 위층의 사람이 현저히 느끼고 정차한 차가 흔들리는 정도'로 흔들림이 있었겠고 충북에서도 '조용한 곳에 있거나 건물 위층 소수의 사람은 느끼는 정도'로 진동이 있었을 것으로 추정된단 의미다. 2023. 5. 15.
삼성전자, 일본내 신설 공장 2023. 5. 15.
공정시장가액비율 인하에 따른 재산세 변동규모 2023. 5. 5.
미국 일리노이 모레폭풍 90중 추돌사고 2023. 5. 4.
South Korea Created a Brutal Sex Trade for American Soldiers THE NEW YORK TIMES NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 2023 By CHOE SANG-HUN DONGDUCHEON, South Korea Women Describe How They Were Exploited by Own Leaders — When Cho Soon-ok was 17 it 1977, three men kidnapped and sold her to a pimp in Dongducheon, a town north of Seoul. She was about to begin high school, but instead of pursuing her dream of becoming a ballerina, she was forced to spend the next five .. 2023. 5. 4.
'예수의 생애' 연작 시리즈 중 '부활' - 운보 김기창 (1953년) 군산 2023. 5. 3.