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《AGING WELL》 The Complete Guide to Physical and Emotional Health 2017. 3. 8.
《The Wondering of AGING》a New Approach to Embracing Life After Fifty Taking Your Census in the Desert (This is the first of the short, written meditations that will appear at the beginning of each chapter. Over the last decade, I have written approximately one hundred of these, some in first person, some in second person, some including dialogue with God. When I write them to “you,” as is this first one, the interlocutor certainly includes my Self, but also inclu.. 2017. 3. 7.
《TRIUMPHS of EXPERIENCE》 the Men of the Harvard Grant Study CONTENTS Cast of Protagonists 1. Maturation Makes Liars of Us All 2. The Proof of the Pudding: To Flourish for the Next Sixty Years 3. A Short History of the Grant Study 4. How Childhood and Adolescence Affect Old Age 5. Maturation 6. Marriage 7. Living to Ninety 8. Resilience and Unconscious Coping 9. Alcoholism 10. Surprising Findings 11. Summing Up Appendixes Notes Acknowledgments Index CAST .. 2017. 3. 6.
《You must write a book》 WRITING A BOOK IS THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR BUSINESS Someone doesn’t want your business card, they want your book. —Jeffrey Gitomer I believe with my whole heart and soul that you must write a book. A successful professional you might just be (and probably are), but without a book, you are likely perceived as someone who does what many other people do. How would a prospective client kno.. 2017. 3. 2.
《영혼을 위한 닭고기 수프》 미국의 생리학자이며 시인이었던 올리버 웬델 홈즈가 어떤 모임에 참석했다. 참석자들 중에서 그가 가장 키다 작았다. 한 손님이 빈정거리며 말했다. "홈즈 박사님, 우리처럼 큰 친구들 사이에 있으니 자신이 더욱 작게 느껴지겠군요." 홈즈가 말했다. "그렇습니다. 많은 10원짜리들 사이에 있는 50원짜리 동전처럼 느껴지는군요." 오늘은 큰 매형의 2주기 추도예배를 본 날입니다. 경건해야 하는 날이지만, 또 다른 의미가 있는 날이죠! 3·1절! 2017. 3. 1.
Building age-friendly communities Building age-friendly communities | Samir Sinha | TEDxStouffville This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. People are living longer than ever before. Are they living well? Dr. Samir Sinha is a geriatrician with some smart advice for developing age-friendly communities. Dr. Samir Sinha is a passionate and respected advocate for the needs of older a.. 2017. 2. 28.
Creating an Age-Friendly City - New York City Right now, there are over 1 million older New Yorkers living in the city, and by 2030 this number is expected to increase by 50% -- the most rapid increase in history. Soon, NYC will have more older adults than school-aged children. Age-friendly NYC challenges all sectors of NYC to see the opportunity in population aging. An initiative of the New York Academy of Medicine. Right now, there are ov.. 2017. 2. 27.
Researching Age-Friendly Cities (2015) 'Researching Age-Friendly Cities'. A film funded by the School of Social Sciences, The University of Manchester. 2017. 2. 26.
미국 뉴저지주 나이차별에 관한 조사 - AARP. 2002 AARP New Jersey Age Discrimination Survey. May. 2002 Background As more Americans live longer and healthier lives, many are working longer or going back to work after retirement. A recent study conducted by AARP found that 8 in 10 baby boomers are planning to work during their “retirement years” (AARP, 2000), and the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that between 1998 and 2008 the percentage o.. 2017. 2. 25.
NYC Local Businesses Welcome Older Adults An age-friendly business is one that welcomes older adult consumers and works towards meeting the needs of this diverse, fast-growing and economically powerful consumer base. Age-friendly NYC challenges all sectors of NYC to see the opportunity in population aging. An initiative of the New York Academy of Medicine. Right now, there are over 1 million older New Yorkers living in the city, and by .. 2017. 2. 25.
How Your Morning Coffee Might Slow Down Aging AGING How Your Morning Coffee Might Slow Down Aging Alice ParkJan 17, 2017 To the age-old question “Is coffee bad for you?”, researchers are in more agreement than ever that the answer is a resounding "no." A new study published in the journal Nature Medicine found that older people with low levels of inflammation — which drives many, if not most, major diseases — had something surprising in com.. 2017. 2. 24.
Memory: a Library in Alphabetical Disorder In project 'Memory: a Library in Alphabetical Disorder' I attempted to explore an alternative way of digital storytelling which operates with the visual language of graphic novels – an animated storytelling.My intent was to communicate a story of my family (it’s female line) through the medium of hand-drawn motion. The process of memory is shown not as a static visual but an animated one. The an.. 2017. 2. 22.
From: young To: elder “We’ve put more effort into helping folks reach old age than into helping them enjoy it.” (Frank A. Clark). Many ageing people right now able to reach old age however there are not many things to do in this generation. The generation gap, which is quite big for them, is making technology a big hindrance to enjoy life. Not many they can do with it however so many technology out there.Actually the.. 2017. 2. 20.
Biggest Surprises in Retirement - WSJ Journal Report WSJ Journal ReportBiggest Surprises in Retirement2/15/2017 6:37PM We asked readers to tell us about the things they didn't anticipate when they stopped working. They had plenty to say. Glenn Ruffenach joins us with the details. the biggest surprises in retirement ... this is Journal report ... timing of this important information ... from the Wall Street Journal ... welcomed the Journal report a.. 2017. 2. 20.
Deutsche Bank (On The Bench w/ Eng subtitles) Eine rein zufällige Tonaufnahme eines ebenfalls rein zufällig entstandenes Gespräch führt – über Bäckertradition und Blasensteine bis hin zur Paarungsproblematik – zu einer sonderbaren Begegnung zwischen zwei Generationen und zu einer ungewöhnlichen Zusammenfassung unserer heutigen Zeit. A haphazard audio recording of an equally haphazard conversation leads to an unexpected encounter betw.. 2017. 2. 19.
부품을 사서 자동차를 완성할 수도 있는 세계 최고의 자동차! 미국인 밥 돌러(Bob Doehler)는 1957년 유럽 여행 중 벤츠 300SL을 처음 본 순간, 단번에 300SL을 가져야겠다는 생각에 사로 잡혔습니다. 그는 경제적으로 그 차를 살 수 없었습니다. 그래서 개별 부품을 구입해서 직접 조립을 시작했습니다. 그로부터 35년이 지나도록 약 95%의 조립을 완성했을 무렵인 1993년 밥 둘러는 세상을 떠나고 말았습니다. 이후 조립작업은 클래식 자동차 전문가인 스캇 구룬트포(Scott Grundfor)에 의해 결국 완성되었습니다. The Zero Mile Gullwing By Dennis Adler & Scott Grundfor The following article originally appeared in the January/February 1997 iss.. 2017. 2. 19.
Julie One of a series of 4 Films on ageing people in the workplace.Shot on FS700 with Odyssey 7Q with Zeiss CP.2. With a DJI Ronin gimbleShot for Rise Films. Cinematography by Shaun Herbertson 2017. 2. 18.