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《The Everything Guide to Crowdfunding》: Learn how to use social media for small-business funding Thomas Elliott Young, "The Everything Guide to Crowdfunding: Learn how to use social media for small-business funding"English | ISBN: 1440550336 | 2013 | 290 pages Harness the power of the crowd to turn your dreams into reality!Crowdfunding is the newest way to fund projects and start businesses. You don't need to hit up family and friends, max out your credit cards, or get a second mortgage--th.. 2014. 3. 3.
《Harvard Business Review》March 2014 - Work vs Life Work vs Life Forget about balance - you have to make choices 2014. 3. 2.
《The Great Passage, 행복한 사전》, 2013. Japan 영화 한 편을 봤습니다. 이라는 일본 영화입니다. 마지메(마쓰다 류헤이, 마지메는 '성실함'이라는 뜻도 있더군요)는 사전 만드는 게 일입니다. 원래 영업부에서 일하던 직원인데 성과를 전혀 내지 못하는 문제직원이었지요. 사전편집부에는 퇴직할 직원을 대신할 직원을 찾던 중 마지메와 마주칩니다. '오른쪽'이라는 단어를 설명하라는 답을 하면서 그는 졸지에 영업부에서 사전편집부로 배속됩니다. 잘 팔겠다는 영업부서가 요구하는 ‘패기’가 없는 대신 잘 버티겠다는 ‘끈기’가 필요한 사전편집부에 맞는 사람이었던 같습니다. 그 대단한 끈기로 꼬박 15년을 매달려 기어이 (大渡海)라는 언어사전을 펴내는 이야기입니다. 대도해, 즉 ‘큰 바다를 건너다’라고 특이하게 이름 붙인 사전을 처음 기획하면서, 사전 감수를 맡은 백발의 .. 2014. 3. 1.
《Five Stars》: Putting Online Reviews to Work for Your Business Five Stars: Putting Online Reviews to Work for Your Businessby Jennifer Grappone, Gradiva CouzinISBN: 1118689445 | 2014 | EPUB | 312 pages Create positive visibility for your business with this essential roadmapEveryone now understands the importance of online reviews on sites such as Yelp. This unique book helps you influence the process and leverage the results to increase sales and revenue. F.. 2014. 2. 27.
《HR For Small Business For Dummies》 HR For Small Business For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)) by Paul Maguire English | 2014 | ISBN: 1118640306 | ISBN-13: 9781118640302 | 384 pages The small business owner's guide to making human resources easy More than 87 percent of Australian workplaces are small businesses employing fewer than 20 people. These small business owners know their markets, know their customers, .. 2014. 2. 26.
The Wolf of Wall Street OST (2013) When Leonardo DiCaprio's Jordan Belfort roars down the highway in his white Ferrari a few minutes into The Wolf Wall Street, a literal-minded soundtrack would probably rely on a thunderous hair-metal hit appropriate to the story's late '80s/early '90s setting. Instead, executive music producer Robbie Robertson provided director Martin Scorsese with a raw 1951 recording of Dust My Broom by slide .. 2014. 2. 25.
《The Joy of Retirement》: Finding Happiness, Freedom, and the Life You've Always Wanted THE JOY OF RETIREMENT FINDING HAPPINESS, FREEDOM, AND THE LIFE YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTEDDavid C. Borchardwith Patricia A. Donohoe Special discounts on bulk quantities of AMACOM books are available to corporations, professional associations, and other organizations. For details, contact Special Sales Department, AMACOM, a division of American Management Association, 1601 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.T.. 2014. 2. 24.
《The Big Book of Small House Designs》 - 75 Award-winning Plans for Your Dream House + All 1,250 Square Feet or Less The Big Book of Small House DesignsBook Language: English Pages: 368 75 Award-winning Plans for Your Dream House + All 1,250 Square Feet or Less The Big Book of Small House Designs is a collection of more than 500 drawings illustrating all aspects of 75 small homes of various styles, from a New England farmhouse to a sophisticated steel frame to a Santa Fe ranch. Each design includes detailed fl.. 2014. 2. 23.
《Getting StartED Building Websites》 - A Step-by-Step Guide To Website Building, Designing And Developing- No Experience Required Book: Getting StartED Building Websites Author: Alexander S. Dawson Website design and development can be a minefield for beginners. Where do you start? What languages should you learn? What techniques should you use to produce your site? What should you put on your site? How do you make it look appealing? How do you update it? This book takes into account the most frequently asked website desig.. 2014. 2. 22.
《퇴적공간》 《퇴적공간》- 은퇴 교수님의 은퇴현장 체험기입니다. 이 책을 읽으며 가슴 한 가운데가 마치 시멘트가 굳어가듯 답답함과 건조함에 고통스러웠습니다. 시니어의 행복을 위해 일한다곤 하지만 그 명분만큼 무엇을 하고 있는지 반문도 되고요. 이 책은 최첨단 미래서입니다. 가장 확실한 여러분의 미래를 보여주고 있습니다. 손목시계에서 영화가 상영되고 외계인과 대화하는 그런 미래와 조금 다른 성격이지만. 삶이 지루하고 비루하고 비굴할 때, 영화관에서 보는 영화보다 더 진하게 여러분 심장에 걸죽한 민트향을 남겨줄지 모릅니다. 다른 얘기이지만, 뜻하지 않게 요즘 신간이 저에게 배달되곤 합니다. (자랑이자 부담이죠) 바로 민음인 대표님이 저에게 책을 보내주셨습니다. 감사합니다. 막 사려고 했는데 조금 늦었지요. 윤리규정을 넘.. 2014. 2. 22.
Karajan Adagio: Music To Free Your Mind (2013) The most successful franchise in classical compilation history – NOW re-engineered, re-titled, and newly compiled for the 21st century. Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the most successful classical collection of all time. Over two-and-a-half hours of the world’s most relaxing music – from the most accomplished conductor of all time Track Listing:1:1.Pietro Mascagni - Intermezzo (from Cavalle.. 2014. 2. 22.
《Life Skills》: How to Do Almost Anything Life Skills: How to Do Almost Anything Publisher: Agate Midway2013Chicago Tribune StaffLanguage: EnglishISBN-10: 1572841494ISBN-13: 978-1572841499 208 pages How do you give a good wedding toast? How do you fix a clogged drain? How do you end a relationship? Collected from the popular “Life Skills” column in the Chicago Tribune, this book is filled with often humorous instructions on performing t.. 2014. 2. 21.
《HOW 13》 - A Handbook for Office Professionals HOW 13 - A Handbook for Office Professionals (13th Ed)by James L. Clark and Lyn R. ClarkCengage Learning | February 2013 | ISBN-10: 1111820864 | 608 pages http://www.amazon.com/HOW-13-Handbook-Professionals-Workers/dp/1111820864 Since 1975, HOW and its subsequent editions have been a prominent reference source for business writers, office personnel, and students. With every new edition, HOW has .. 2014. 2. 20.
〈The Book Thief (책도둑)〉 (2013) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816442 이 영화에 나오는 가장 중요한 역사적 배경이 바로 '(깨진) 수정의 밤'이다. '(깨진) 수정의 밤'(Kristall Nacht, 1938년 11월 9일 ~ 11월 10일)은 파리 주재 독일 대사관의 3등 서기관이었던 에른스트 폼 라트가 헤르셸 그린슈판(Herschel Grynszpan‏)이라는 17세의 독일계 유태인 청년의 암살로 사망한 사건에 대한 보복으로 일어난 사건이다. ‘깨진 수정의 밤’ 또는 ‘깨진 유리의 밤’ 등으로 불리기도 하는데, 이 이름은 사건 당시 수많은 유리창이 깨졌다고 해서 붙여진 이름이다. 일설에 의하면 그린슈판은 독일의 유대인 박해를 복수하겠다는 생각으로 파리 주재 독일 대사였던 요하네스 폰 벨체크(Johannes.. 2014. 2. 19.
〈Pictures at an Exhibitions〉 Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881) Pictures at an Exhibitions (Claudio Abbado/Berlin Phil) 2014. 2. 18.
〈Apostle Peter and the Last Supper〉 (2012) 사도 바울과 최후의 만찬 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2065877/combined 2014. 2. 17.
《Small Shop Solutions Projects Plans Tips and Techniques》 Small Shop Solutions Projects Plans Tips and Techniques 2008 | 96 pages | 2014. 2. 16.
《Chocolates and Confections》 Formula, Theory, and Technique for the Artisan Confectioner (2nd Ed) Chocolates and Confections - Formula, Theory, and Technique for the Artisan Confectioner (2nd Ed)by Peter P. Greweling and The Culinary Institute of America (CIA)Wiley | November 2012 | ISBN-10: 0470424419 | 544 pages |http://www.amazon.com/Chocolates-Confections-Formula-Technique-Confectioner/dp/0470424419 The comprehensive guide to chocolate and candy making for professionals and serious home .. 2014. 2. 15.
《RESUMES》for Computer Careers Author/s: Editors Of Mcgraw-HillPublisher: McGraw-HillPublish Date: March, 2008Pages: 144Language: English Power up your resume! You've worked hard for your computing degree; now it's time to take that education and put it to work. Get an edge on the other job applicants withResumes for Computer Careers. This helpful resource is packed with expert advice on creating concise, stylish resumes that.. 2014. 2. 14.
《Drawing Ideas》- A Hand-Drawn Approach for Better Design Drawing Ideas: A Hand-Drawn Approach for Better DesignMark Baskinger, William BardelEnglish | ISBN: 0385344627 | 2013 | 304 pages An intensive how-to primer for design professionals for creating compelling and original concept designs through drawing by hand.Award-winning designers and workshop leaders Mark Baskinger and William Bardel bring us this thorough course in drawing to create better gr.. 2014. 2. 13.
《Healing Foods》Eat your way to a healthier life This title helps to cook your way to lifelong healthy living. Take control of your life and your health through what you eat with Neal's Yard Remedies Healing Foods. This book will show you exactly which parts of ingredients are beneficial for you and how to optimise their super-food potential. Written with the experts at Neal's Yard, experts in holistic, healthy living, featuring over 200 funct.. 2014. 2. 12.