백세현역Nevertiree732 Social Media Used for GOOD CAUSES 2012. 7. 16. State of the Baby Boomer 2012. 7. 13. Surprising Facts about Black Friday 2011 2012. 7. 11. Economics of The Baby Boomer Generation 2011 2012. 7. 10. The Essential Reverse Mortgage Factsheet 2012. 7. 8. The Future of Work Top 5 Predictions for 2012 2012. 7. 6. The Great Divide: Senior Management, Management and Nonmanagement 2012. 7. 5. The Greek Tangle: Greek Debt Crisis 2012. 7. 3. The Killer Commute, 죽음의 통근길 2012. 7. 1. How Old is Old Age? Old age can be defined as the latter part of human life. Some would define it as beginning with the deterioration of physical abilities or by definition at a certain age. Which is accurate? Is old age defined by age or does it depend on the individual’s mindset or physical well-being? Is calendar age synonymous with biological age?Are we old once we decide to retire?Is old age something that the.. 2012. 6. 29. The Power of Mobile Workforce 2012. 6. 29. What Happens? If Senior can't get help in time. The risks and cost of senior fall injuries 2012. 6. 27. The Value of Being LinkedIn 2012. 6. 24. The Values of Annuities. 미국인의 연금 가치 은퇴는 여행을 떠나고, 새로운 취미와 관심을 실현시키고, 기부를 하고, 가족을 위한 유산 상속으로부터 벗어나는 것이다. 그러나 인생을 마무리하는 시기까지 얼마나 충분히 준비되었다고 확신하는가? 57세부터 63세까지 약 50%에 해당하는 미국인은 은퇴를 위한 저축이 충분하지 않다는 위험에 빠져있다. 질병관리위원회에 따르면 현재 62세의 미국인은 약 82.5세까지 살것이라고 한다. 문제는 경제 연금의 준비상태. 사회보장연금으로 월간 약 $1,181을 지급하는데, 실제 65세 이상 은퇴자들은 $3,130가 필요하다. 과연 어떻게 이 부족한 연금을 채워갈 것인가? 2012. 6. 23. Social Sharing and Impending Sharepocalypse 2012. 6. 18. Titanic: by the Numbers 2012. 6. 12. Top 10 Best Countries to Live and Work in 2012 2012. 6. 9. Traveling, Tips and Trends One of the greatest perks of retirement is having more time to travel, and now that spring is just around the corner, more and more senior citizens are catching the travel bug. But whether you’re traveling a few hundred miles to visit the grandchildren or a few thousand miles around the world, it’s important to plan ahead. In 2010, the U.S. Travel Association estimates that Americans spent more .. 2012. 6. 8. Who in Washington is Responsible for the U.S. DEBT 2012. 6. 3. US Numbered Highways as a Subway Map 2012. 6. 2. VIADEO your network is more power than you think 2012. 5. 30. 이전 1 ··· 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ··· 35 다음