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《Laptops for Seniors For Dummies》

by Retireconomist 2014. 9. 3.

Laptops for Seniors For Dummies


480 Pages

Easy-to-understand advice for seniors who want to get started using their laptops and tablets

Laptop and tablet popularity is on the rise among computer buyers, including seniors. For anyone in the over-60 age group who is eager to get started with a laptop or tablet, this is the book for you! Laptops and tablets are ideal for seniors who travel and want to stay in contact with family and friends. You’ll learn how to select the laptop or tablet that is right for you; get familiar with the hardware, operating system, and software; understand files and folders; and connect to other wireless technology. Featuring a larger font for text and larger sizes for images, this new edition of a bestseller begins with the basics and progresses to step-by-step coverage of how to establish positive habits and avoid common pitfalls. New content offers detailed information on battery life, setting up a wireless printer, connectivity, storing data online, downloading apps, and syncing your mobile phone. With this guide, you’ll feel confident about staying safe online when banking, shopping, or chatting.
