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2013 IRA Contribution Limit Cheat Sheet

by Retireconomist 2013. 5. 13.

Over time, and in part because of the recent economic crises, US workers have invested increasing less amounts into retirement savings. Another disturbing trend is that workers are waiting until later in life to begin saving for retirement. This is despite evidence that the early you start investing in an IRA, the more safe and better you will live in your golden years. Those workers who contribute the maximum to their individual retirement accounts each year are generally the best off. The IRS lays out special rules to regulate how much you can contribute each year, and to what type of accounts. These limits are generally based on your income, age level, marital status, and your level of participation in other plans. Unfortunately, navigating the IRS rules and regulations covering IRAs is a confusing hot mess - usually reserved for only the most seasoned tax and retirement professions. But never fear! The folks at Greene IRA have compiled this handy chart to help you navigate these confusing investment waters to help you contribute the maximum amount to your IRA account. Happy riches!
