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100세 보험회사 판매대리인, 상상이 아니라 현실입니다.

by Retireconomist 2011. 10. 13.

 100세의 보험회사 판매대리인, 지금은 기사거리가 되고 있지만, 앞으로는 흔히 보게될 광경일지도 모릅니다.
The 100-year old insurance agent

AXA Equitable Salutes Theodore Krause, CLU, on His 100th Birthday

Ted Krause began his career as a life insurance agent with the firm in 1947, then known asThe Equitable Life Assurance Society of America. He still works with clients every day.

In the on-camera interview below, Ted reflects on his successful 65-year life insurance career and why he remains engaged in helping people with their financial needs and why he has no plans to retire. Ted also shares how he and his wife, Sarah, who is 101-years-old, planned for and enjoy their longevity together.

Tune in to hear Ted's perspective on preparing for the unexpected, weathering market volatility, keeping up with the times, and staying educated. Watch as the camera follows Ted on a typical workday, from punctual arrival at the office to his regular midday swim at the local YMCA.

Please note that the comments made in this video are not intended as investment or securities advice and do not constitute an offer or solicitation of any kind.

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